The domaine des Opies labelled by « Nature et progrès »

The domaine des Opies labelled by « Nature et progrès »
In May 2015, the domaine des Opies was labelled « Nature et progrès » (Nature and progress).
To guarantee you natural quality in our olive oil, we got closer to the “Nature and Progrès” federation. Easily reachable because it is based near us, was have thought that “Nature et Progrès” is good because it has a simple approach. We decided to produce olive oil because we love it; consistency and fluidity are the main choice criteria in our actions.
The human dimension of “Nature et Progrès”, whose certified products are directly sold by their makers or in local shops, was appealing to us as it seemed to be more in harmony with the character of our oil. We met a member of the local association on olive tree lands. The composition of the branches and the abundant vegetation were the proof that we trust nature and that we take good care of our growing olive trees.
We do we use to take care and treat our olive trees? Nothing. Regarding the size and the harvest, we do it by hand, and, to be honest, we don’t deserve any kind of merit for that… The period of pruning, although it is exhausting, is the time when we are the more in contact with olive trees. Feeling and understanding the natural aim of the tree, find the right balance between action and rest, this is the best of therapies. Receiving so many golden brown gifts afterwards… Yes, we do it all by hand.
Without any constraint, with pleasure and will, consistency and harmony guided us and helped us to get this certification.